I’ve been getting a strong response from this guide, from both sides of the fence.
I spoke to one of the fraud directors at a Fortune 500 company I work with in the Pacific Northwest. He said their fraud team had been pouring over it and discussing it. Another company I work with whose name is mentioned in the Encyclopedia told me this guide was “Gold”.
Good guys aren’t the only ones chatting about this write up. I’ve been contacted by several fraudsters asking advice, if they could get a full copy now, etc., etc. I’ve even been contacted by others complaining that by me releasing this guide it will only help security companies, merchants, etc. That’s kind of the purpose….
Part 3. Credit Cards. This is by no means everything that pertains to credit cards. However, there is a good lot here.
Yegate’s “Definitive Encyclopedia of Fraud” Part 3 Credit Cards Pages 25-34.5
Thus concludes the credit card section of Yegate’s “Encyclopedia”. There is informative stuff here for both sides. Many fraudsters tend to already know this stuff. And, again, if you are relying on a guide to teach you how to commit fraud, you are best to quit now.
There is also enough information here to start scaring consumers and businesses alike. Too often I give a presentation and the attendees don’t understand the organization, skill levels, and tools that fraudsters are using against them. This guide is extremely good at illustrating such.
Tomorrow, Yegate’s guide discusses Bank Drops, how thye are used and how to open them.
Brett GOllumfun Johnson
Contributing Writer at News247WorldPress